About Us

It all Began in an attempt to make some simple christmas gifts...

After all, how hard could it be to melt wax, add color and scent?

Well, it didn’t take long to find out how hard it was really going to be. Words like Vybar, Stearic Acid, melting point, pouring temperature and UV Inhibitor came up and my “easy” went out the window! It was a good thing I had started making presents early that year! It took me 4 months, a lot of time, research and a ton of wasted supplies to perfect my formula! After all of that hard work, my family and friends said it would be a shame not to sell them too! The result? The Candle Cafe!

In the end, my family did get their home made Christmas presents, along with an addition to our business owner family members!

I’d like to give thanks to the people who have helped make this company possible. I thank God first for always listening to my prayers, even those that remain unanswered and for always being a guide in my life. I am nothing without you. To my church family, for being my first customers and for your continued support. To my family for all of your patience and understanding when I work long hours. To my husband, who so graciously financed me and for giving me honest opinions on my workmanship. Most of all, I’d like to thank my Mom and Dad. For giving me life and for caring about who I grew up to be. To Dad for always supporting me, giving me confidence in myself and for encouraging me to grow. To Mom, for listening when things aren’t going the way I expected. For wall paper, glue, and so many other decorating supplies you offered at no charge! Not to mention your time and expertise! For always being there to answer my tax questions! (and sometimes doing them for me)  

Keep showing me those Hollywood smiles!

Meet the Owner

Brandy Sanders

I started The Candle Cafe out of my home in 1999 and it has now way surpassed my expectations. I am very privileged to have the customer support and family that I do. I really love that little place and it has become an extension of my personality. It’s a lot of work, but it’s a lot of fun. Thanks for stopping by and reading about my life here! Here’s to many more years serving the Permian Basin!

The Candle Café

Home of the original swirled candle